A provider of links about autism and other information, which may be useful to the reader.
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Reviews and Information
Magazines Articles
Newspaper Articles
San Jose Mercury News Sunday June 9, 2002 p.1 col.1 "Front Page Autism Mystery; Researchers seek clues to sharp rise in brain disorder cases. 'Family finds hope in Silicon Valley'" By Marian Liu is about a family who move from Japan to San Jose to find help for 7 Year old son in Silicon Valley.
San Jose Mercury News Sunday June 9, 2002 p.1 col.1 "Front Page Autism Mystery; Researchers seek clues to sharp rise in brain disorder cases. 'Caseload Strains Schools, State'". By Tracy Seipel and Marian Liu Is about the rising caseloads of autistic children In the Silicon Valley.
San Jose Mercury News Sunday June 9, 2002 p.16a coal.2 "Unable to connect to the world ;' Asperger's Syndrome Affects Social Skills'". By Tracy Seipel is about a family who's son has Asperger's Syndrome.
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal Work and Family col.1 " Lessons in Letting Go: How Parents Of Disabled Children Plan for the Future" By Sue Shellenbarger. SEE THE FINANCIAL IDEA'S SECTION OF THIS WEB PAGE.
The Wall Street Journal Thursday, June 3, 2004 p.1 col 4 "At 49 Autistic Man Spends First Nights Without 'Daddy'". By Clare Ansberry. This is a follow up article from Jan 7 W.S.J. Front page featured story about a father and his autistic son.
The Wall Street Journal Wednesday, May 19, 2004 Health And Family p.d3 col 1 "Vaccine-Autism Link Is Discounted'Panel Finds No Connection But Some Interest Groups, Congressmen Don't Agree'" By Kimberly Pierceall. This Article is about an Institute of Medicine panel that found no link between autism and childhood vaccines.
The Wall Street Journal Friday, January 23 2004 Science Journal col 1 "Brian Imaging Provides A Window on Speech, Learning Problems". By Christopher Windham This Article is about the use of MRI's on very young children some infants.
The Wall Street Journal Monday February 9, 2004 Review and Outlook p. a26 col 1 "Autism and Vaccines ;'A campaign against vaccine makers also targets scientists- and us'". This is a editorial about the Wall Street Journal defending itself against an unexpected criticism of a previous editorial it wrote about the use of vaccines and how it is affecting the Children, Parents and everyone else in the research field.
The Wall Street Journal Thursday, January 8, 2004 Marketplace p.a15 col 5 "Disorder Hints At How Brain Learns to Read" By Robert McGough. This Article is about the world of Hyperiexia, a rare disorder which only occurs in 2 out 10,000 children that can read as young 2 but cannot talk'".
The Wall Street Journal Wednesday, January 7, 2004 p.1 col 1 "Parents Devoted To a Disabled Child Confront Old Age" By Clare Ansberry is a article about the relationship of a 84 year old man and his 49 year old autistic son.
The Wall Street Journal Tuesday, January 6, 2004 Personal Health p.d5 col 1 " Autism Drug Secretin Fails in Trial". By David Armstrong is about a drug trial involving Secretin.
The Wall Street Journal Monday, December 29, 2003 Opinion p.a14 col 1 Review and Outlook "The Politics of Autism 'Lawsuits and emotion vs. science and childhood vaccines'".Are vaccines and Thimerosal safe?.
The Wall Street Journal Wednesday, November 26, 2003 The Property Report p.b4 " Center's Design Tries to Aid Autism Battle". By Alex Frangos is an 4 col article about a new building Called the MIND Institute. It's an article about a new approach to autism research.
The Wall Street Journal Wednesday November 26, 2003 pd1. Personal Journal col2-4 "An Illness That's Not Just for Kids Anymore" This is an Article About adult ADHD.
The Wall Street Journal Friday, November 21, 2003 Weekend Journal pw1 Col 1-4 Article "We get Our Head Examined" is about Medical MRI's and who gives them and how much they costs.
The Wall Street Journal Wednesday July 16, 2003 p.b1 col 2 "New Insights Into Autism ' Growth Spurt of Infant's Head May Be Early Warning Sign, Raising Hope for Intervention'". By Sharon Begley Is About the different variations of a Infant's head could be a Link to a reliable early warning for autism.